Maci Mondays

A year and half ago, a very sweet girl came into our lives.. Her name is Maci. My sisters and I had a wide variety of “pets,” including hermit crabs, fish, grasshoppers, worms, salamanders, turtles, and dare do I even say it… eels (god bless my mother). It’s amazing that there is absolutely nothing with fur on that list!

Like dog lovers everywhere, she is our little baby, and we can’t go a dinner party without gushing over her. My camera sees a lot of this young lady, so today I’m starting Maci Mondays. Follow her adventures, and infinite amount of cuteness every week.

Welcome to Maci Mondays.

allison mah photography - maci mondayMEET MACI

Breed: Weimaraner
Color: Gray – No, I’m not named after Macy Gray
Best feature: My mom says everything is cute, so I’m not sure
Favorite toy: Jolly ball
Favorite food: The same yummy stuff I eat every day
Favorite snack: Ice cubes
Favorite rub spot: Behind the ears & belly
Favorite sport: Track
Favorite leisure activity: Car rides
Favorite place: Literally anywhere
Least favorite place: Bath tub
“Mom & Dad get mad when..”: I eat too fast
“Mom & Dad also get mad when..”: I jump the fence to play with my friends
Best Friend: Macy next door
Best part of the day: When someone puts a leash on me
“I don’t understand why..”: Play time ever has to end