Olympic National Park Day Trip

Pacific Ocean virgins. We nestled our toes into the sand and wish we didn’t have to say goodbye to the beach. At the beginning of our one-year anniversary trip, we drove from Seattle to Olympic National Park. We recharged our minds, leaving every worry, chore and work at home.. including our dog, which we couldn’t hold back from expressing how much we missed the little bugger every day (but that goes without saying).

I was skeptical about the restaurant (the only restaurant) at the Kalaloch Lodge, but quickly changed my mind after our appetizer. The dessert would have convinced me to stay another night if we could have. We always look at the dessert menu. It’s how we live on the edge.

Overall, a more than perfect start of our west coast adventure. More to come!

olympic national park, kalaloch lodge photography
olympic national park, kalaloch lodge photographyolympic national park, kalaloch lodge photographyolympic national park, kalaloch lodge photographykalaloch lodge photographer091314-091914_vacation_vancouver_37olympic national park, kalaloch lodge photographyolympic national park, kalaloch lodge photography
Photo credit to Brian on the last one here. The trip was very educational for him as he was learning how to take silhouette shots!


  1. Christy October 4, 2014 at 12:49 AM #

    Every image is so gorgeous!

    • Allison Mah October 21, 2014 at 12:50 PM #

      You’re the best, Christy! It was a beautiful place. I highly recommend this destination!