Vancouver Trip (cont.)

It’s been a month since we got back from our anniversary trip, so my tardiness with this post is completely appropriate. It was a long trek from Olympic National Park to Vancouver, but totally worth it. In my opinion, it’s a triple threat destination – beach, city and mountains (all in one place!).

Stanley Park is one of Vancouver’s biggest attractions, and very very cool. It’s a large seawall that runs along the water with landmarks like the Lion’s Gate Bridge and Siwash Rock along the way. If we ever venture back, we intend to pack a swimsuit and some beer, and head down to one of their beaches! You can easily burn an entire day here if you plan it out right.

We were limited with parking time at Granville Island (3hr minimum per day), so we made two trips on different days. On the first day, we grabbed some breakfast where I nearly got attacked by a bird trying to steal my muffin. We hopped in a kayak to explore the English Bay and were able to get ridiculously close to a sunbathing seal. That was a wide-eyed big kid highlight for me! Our second day at Granville was spent shopping for some souvenirs. We sat outside and wrote some post cards home to see if any cool postage or stamps would make it across the border.. Sadly, I don’t think anyone noticed the postage (you know who you are). Now, it sounds way more nerdy than it did at the time, but we thought it was a superb idea!

Our short (yet amazing) restaurant list during our stay. We highly recommend all:
Fable Kitchen | Farmer’s Apprentice | The Flying Pig | Muffin Granny | Brassneck Brewery | Steamworks Brewery

Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC091314-091914_vacation_vancouver_62091314-091914_vacation_vancouver_116091314-091914_vacation_vancouver_59091314-091914_vacation_vancouver_53091314-091914_vacation_vancouver_48